Thank you for your order for Internet Marketing services!

Eric Bobrow - Teacher of Marketing for ArchitectsOur system has received your order, and we are looking forward to working with you to help you boost your online visibility, increase the number of visitors to your website, and grow the number of leads, prospects and clients coming in the door.

Our services team will be in touch within the next 24 hours (or by the next business day, if it is a weekend) to consult with you and help plan your marketing strategy. Our services always include time for discussion, so feel free to ask questions and go over your concerns as well as your aims and goals.

I personally am closely involved with our services team and will always be a point of reference. If you feel it’s appropriate, feel free to email me at and I will make sure that everything is well understood and that you are getting exactly what you need from the team.

Thank you for hiring us to help you on this journey. I look forward to seeing your success, and will be very happy to answer your questions along the way!

Eric Bobrow

P.S. You should receive an automatic email with your receipt from our online system. If you don’t see it in your Inbox in the next few minutes, be sure to look in your spam filter or junk mail folder, as sometimes these emails get sidetracked. Your services contract is on a month to month basis, and will be renewed automatically and charged to your credit card each month. If you would like to suspend the services at some future time, we would appreciate getting at least 15 days notice to help us plan our resources for the following month.