Internet Marketing for Architects – Course Outline
Level 1 Part A – Introduction and Overview

Overview of Visibility, Traffic, Conversion and Client Acquisition; Introduction to Search Keyword Analysis and Website Analytics

Copyright 2014 – Eric Bobrow
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Welcome to the Internet Marketing for Architects Course

This session is being recorded and will be posted

My aim is to help you to deepen your understanding of marketing and master the technology tools and processes that will help you promote your design firm and bring in more clients and projects

This Course is the culmination of:

  • 2 years of planning + research (including Case Study Program, Webinar, and 2012 Course)
  • 7 years of dedicated study of Internet Marketing
  • 17 years experience in web development
  • 25 years working with architects as a technology consultant
  • My degree in computer science from 1975

My personal mission: teach people to use technology to achieve their creative and business goals



— Show Course Outline and Schedule page —


  • Login page
  • Member Home Page
  • The IMA Course – Outline and Schedule, 12 lessons to be posted
  • Case Study Program Training Videos
  • WordPress Mastery Training Videos
  • Marketing Samples
    • – Press Releases
    • – Promotional Videos
    • – Music Licensed for Commercial Use
  • Lead Generator System
  • More will be added


What it’s about – communicating who you are and what you offer

Why you need it – no business can succeed without people knowing about you

What are the various media / modalities – word of mouth, networking, traditional advertising (Yellow Pages, print ads, direct mail, directories, cold calling based on lists), new digital media and tools

What’s changed in recent years – research and information accessible online, replacing many of the old media

What are the blind spots of most architects

  • in general:
    • no training in marketing
    • learn from peers and show work to peers
  • websites:
    • all about me
    • lots of images, few words
    • “professional” = understated to the point of being ineffectual
    • design project vs. marketing project
    • no recognition that people may be in various stages of the buying cycle
    • rarely any useful information OTHER than about the firm itself
    • not much better than a brochure (although it’s good at filling that purpose)
    • not introducing firm to new prospects, “invisible” to searchers


*** What to do BEFORE you get the opportunity for a meeting or proposal ***

You need to solve a problem or fill a need

How can you present yourself as an authority and as someone they like

“They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”

Giving before Getting

Recognition of the Buying Cycle

  • awareness of need or desire (e.g. do they need an architect?)
  • research / education (what options are available, what are others doing)
  • consideration of alternatives (including non-action, DIY, contractor, etc.)
  • selection of solution (short list)

Develop a strategy offering value (information) at multiple stages in the cycle

Follow up, repeated touch-points

“Know, Like and Trust”


Review of main concepts:

  • Visibility
  • Traffic
  • Conversion
  • Winning New Projects

How will each of these topics be covered in the course – refer to curriculum outline


What would people type in to a search engine if they were looking for you, but didn’t know your name?

Try this yourself, see if your firm comes up

Try variations, see how you can fine-tune the search to a precise “need”

Who is getting the business that could be yours?

General strategy for Internet Marketing:

  • research keyword phrases and decide on a small number of primary targets
  • build the website content around these keywords and concepts
  • essentially – provide a good solution (website content) for the question


To take a journey, you need to know where you are now, and where you want to go

Keyword Analysis is part of “where you want to go”

Analytics is like a GPS – where are you now, how well are you doing as you progress along your journey

Measure several related statistics:

  • Number of visitors (per day or month)
  • Number of unique visitors
  • Average Length of Visit (longer = more involvement = better)
  • Number of pages per visit (another measure of involvement)
  • Sources of traffic (“organic” search, paid ads, links from other sites, etc.)
  • Search terms (what are visitors looking for?)

By tracking these numbers, you can decide what areas to focus on

— Show Google Analytics onscreen report —

How to Set Up a Google Analytics account – will be presented in a later lesson

Copying the tracking code and placing it into your website


Think about keywords, and “what would someone search for” to find you

Experiment with web searches, see who is listed, check out their websites

What is your “Unique Value Proposition”? – what makes you special

Look over your own website with a fresh eye, imagine how a visitor sees it



On-page Optimization – content development, site navigation, eye-candy


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