Internet Marketing for Architects – Case Study Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you really help a practice like ours to improve business at a local level (eg without knowledge of our local market)?

Yes, we can help you in your practice to improve business at a local level. There are standard tools available for researching the market in your area that will help us see which of your competitors are getting top rankings from Google, and analyze what we need to do with and for you to improve your ranking until you achieve page 1 on the local search results.

What type of involvement do you need from us over the 90 days? In terms of time? Input? Who will we be dealing with? You? Your team? How will we manage time-differences?

Over the next 90 days, participants in the program will need to be involved a few hours here and there, nothing major. Much of the information and discussion may be done through email, along with some phone or Skype sessions. We can work with you during your business day.

We’ll start with a standard self-assessment questionnaire that you will fill out (this takes 15 minutes to half an hour) to give us an idea of where you stand at present.

During the course of the program, we’ll need your input as we create and optimize your local listings in search directories and get reviews from your clients posted to appear prominently in your local page to improve the likelihood that searchers will contact your company.

We’ll also need to get 10 to 20 photos of your projects and your team (individual or group photos of principals and staff members) to use as part of video “commercials” that will be distributed to many video sites to improve your SEO back-links.

In addition, we’ll interview you to create press releases that will be distributed to hundreds of online news services. These press releases may be seen by potential clients, but even if people don’t actually see the press release on the online service, the press releases will improve SEO dramatically since they get posted in hundreds or even thousands of sites with backlinks to your site.

We are prepared to write the press releases with your input, or you may choose to write them yourself with our guidance to help optimize them for SEO results.

We will also give you specific guidance with regards to your website so that it will better support these SEO efforts, as well as increase the percentage of people who visit your site and decide to contact you. We can do some quick adjustments of certain things on your website for you, but others will need to be done by your web designer. Our input will help your web designer improve the effectiveness of your site.

Is it really possible to make a dramatic difference to our practice within 90 days?

In 90 days we can make a significant difference in your internet presence, making it much more likely that people in your area will see your firm listed when searching for an architect. This is a long-term strategy that will continue to catalyze your promotional efforts and bear fruit as long as you continue to nurture it.

How much is the 90 day Program about teaching participating practices how to improve their SEO rankings and how much is it about doing the work for us?

About 75% of the three-month program is comprised of SEO-related work done for you, and perhaps 25% is training in the form of webinars that I will conduct as well as other written or recorded materials. The training will focus on teaching you how to improve your website and develop “lead capture” and follow-up strategies, as well as some social media tools.

Will this new initiative delay the ArchiCAD Best Practices training that you are working on?

The SEO services will be performed by my team of consultants as I continue to prepare and deliver the lessons in the Best Practices Course. I will create some training material related to internet marketing during this three month period, but most of the case study program will be done by these very experienced and capable consultants that I have hand-picked to work with our clients.


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