Internet Marketing for Architects Course
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Comments About the Architect Marketing Course

I’ve received many enthusiastic comments by email and on the course lesson pages from members of the Internet Marketing for Architects Course. Here are a couple of my favorites.

I have been urged by many to construct and publish a website, but in all the pitches and promotions I have been involved in none come close to the information, clear thinking, and confidence you have provided in just two sessions. 

You are to be commended not only for what you (over) deliver, but also for what I clearly see as an understanding and if I may say, a compassion, for the overall design profession, the architecture profession in particular, and as I can attest to, your concern for people.   While we have never met in person, I consider you a friend for life.

 – Kenneth J. Filarski FAIA, Cranston RI

The course is fantastic. It is like I do not want the class to end. I can see how robust my firm is going to get after the course completion.

The best part of it is that we (Eric’s students) are only a small group in context to the number of firms out there world wide or even here in California, and we will have a tremendous advantage because of the course.

 – Marek Stoklosa, Pleasanton CA

In “Internet Marketing jargon”, this is what is called “Social Proof”. As an architect, you can and should ask your clients for permission to quote them on your website, so that visitors will see that your services are good and that your customers are satisfied. During this course, we’ll be spending some time exploring various ways to leverage the good will of your past clients and your extended professional and social network.

If you find this course to be inspiring, informative and useful, I’d LOVE to get YOUR comments to share with people who are considering signing up.

Please add your comments and testimonials to this page!

Eric Bobrow

Let us know how you feel! (8 comments so far)

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  1. ErichKarp
    12 years ago

    As an architect just starting up a firm for the first time, I was excited to first learn of the course Eric was offering. Now as a student, I find the content useful, timely, and interesting. I started the process of developing my website when part way through the course and am putting as much of the information, as possbile, that Eric provides to good use. While, as a new firm, there is a general dearth of material I have available to post since all of my past projects were done for other firms, the course has given me many good ideas for information I do have that I can use. While I am not yet ranking in the search engines, I hope to do so soon.

  2. Dilip
    12 years ago

    Thank you Eric for putting together this wonderful & informative course. IMHO it should be a part of core curriculum @ all architectural colleges! Your meticulous instructions are astounding.
    & thank you for letting me participate!

  3. Jerald Leimenstoll, Greensboro, NC
    12 years ago

    We are a small architectural firm with no website and are,therefor, starting from scratch. I have subscribed to your Archicad training course because you understand how architects process information, and I have been more than satisfied. The marketing course meets the same standard, and I am very comfortable and confident in unfolding the information as you present it. The process is very complex and your organization and presentation works very well for me. I look forward to actually having a website and being able to unfold it over time.

  4. Brian
    12 years ago

    This is a ‘must do’ course for architects. I only wish I had seen this a few years ago when first setting up our firm’s web site. Still it’s not too late to make improvements. Well worth the money.

  5. Marshall Rossiter
    12 years ago

    I wanted to thank you for adding this, Internet Marketing for Architects Course for Internet Web Sites to your Best Practices Program. I realize even more now, just how important it is to keep up with technology, and especially in this economy. A couple of years ago, my son actually put a web site together for me because he understood the potential but lacked the technical knowledge to get it to target market. Eric, with the technical “finesse” that you bring to the table, this new course has already showed us a lot, and we are just a few webinars into it. With your step by step, “cover the basics” of web building and networking, to “real on-line Examples of Websites” that you have designed for your current clientele of Architects and ArchiCad Designers, you have perfected these same techniques that you are teaching now. I know that my world is going to expand because of this, and I would recommend that anyone searching for help in this area of marketing, pick this course..!
    Marshall Rossiter, AIA, NCARB, Poc. Idaho

  6. Mark Moscrip
    12 years ago

    I know marketing is key. BUT … emotionally, artistically … I have hesitated for over 4 years to do anything about it. After all, I am a “gentleman architect”, but almost broke. Eric has made internet marketing resonate for me. Shown me examples of how it is working for other architects. I now realize I admired other architect sites for the architecture and pictures, but when I look for services – I want testimonials, information, details – Eric made me see the big difference between my online behaviour versus what I naively expect my potential clients to do online – huge gap! I now know why my web site is a sinker (great pictures by the way!). My game plan now is focus on getting prospects – not just to display my fab! ;> work. I can’t tell you how happy I am with the course. The examples and suggestions are always welcome. In addition to being visual – I am WHY guy too, I have to have the visual website examples, with blow by blow explanations of why they work so well. The webinars and online Q&A can’t be beat. Love it! I agree with Brian, session 4 was inspirational. After participating in it I worked past midnight to get the basics set up so I can continue this journey.

  7. Brian
    12 years ago

    So far [session 4] the course has been most informative – I have already learnt of a number of key factors that we can adopt to improve our marketing efforts on the web. If architectural work is to be obtained from the internet, as others have testified, then I am seeing that this course could be utilised by our firm and thus be transformed from an investment into revenue.

  8. Sue Ball
    12 years ago

    We’ve been working with Eric now for several months and continue to be amazed not only by the depth and breadth of his internet marketing knowledge but also by his ability to share it so clearly and convincingly through his Webinars and training materials. Having participated in the original Internet Marketing For Architects Case Study Programme, we then asked Eric to help us redesign our website which he did with the efficiency and sensitivity which are his hallmarks. We are looking forward to hearing how we can benefit from ongoing support at the end of this Course.