Thank you for joining our Internet Marketing for Architects Case Study Program. On March 29, 2012 we held a two hour kick-off meeting with many of the participants and introduced the consulting team and set the overall goals for the program.
It was my intention to record the entire meeting for later reference, but there were technical problems so only the first half-hour was recorded. On this page you will find this partial recording of the live session, plus three video presentations by myself, Ed Wunder and Justin Kunst that will give you a good sense of the focus of the program, and how you will be working with the team.
Here is the live recording, which is sort of like “reality TV”, but worth taking a look at since it features all of us on camera or calling into the web conference, with most of the participants introducing themselves and describing the focus of their firm.
In this 24 minute video, I share with you an overview of the entire subject, explaining the key principles that you will be learning.
You may download the PDF version of the presentation here: Internet Marketing for Architects – Cheat Sheet
Ed Wunder shares his perspective on Local Marketing and how best to approach getting ranked in Google Places.
Justin Kunst talks about Search Engine Optimization and how to improve your website for both the search engines and human visitors.
Please add your comments and question below. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you!
Eric Bobrow on behalf of the IMFA Team
Hi guys
Firstly, thanks for these great videos. They really pull everything together and make it easier to understand the process.
I have a few questions:
1. How many testimonials do you want us to feed to you and by when? As well as asking previous clients what they think of what we’ve done for them, is it OK to ask clients for whom we are doing jobs right now to comment on how the process is going for them?
2. It’s great to know that you will be going into our site and optimising the pages and creating content. Can you give us some tips on how to avoid ‘keyword stuffing’?
3. We want to add a section called Basements and a section called Pools into our Portfolio section. Is it OK to go ahead and do this or should we wait until later in the programme? In fact, is it OK in general for us to be adding new content to our site, while you are working on it too?
4. We’ve found the work on keyword phrases and terms really useful but, because we haven’t done any meaningful market research before, we are conscious that the words we have selected can only really be our ‘best guess’. Are we right in thinking that the Google Analytics and search volume work you are doing will help us refine these words so that they really represent the words used by the majority of target prospects in our market?
5. What are APIs and what is screenscraping!?
6. Ed mentions that his Local Search Ecosystem slide is primarily for the US and that the goal is to get participating companies in the US into 150-200 directory listings. He also says that you ‘have other things in store for non-US participants’. What are these other things and will they be of equal benefit in terms of our local UK listings?
7. How many of the various initiatives Eric describes under the heading ‘Visibility’ will you be doing during this 3-month programme? I imagine that Google Ads is something we might need to do outside the programme?
8. Justin: regarding the article, do we have to choose one city/area or can we have several versions to cover more than one city/area?
I appreciate these comments are very last minute and don’t expect them all to be covered in our webinar in 20 minutes time!