Architect Marketing Course 2012 – Course Outline
Level 3 Part D – Email Marketing – Developing an Email List and Follow-up Strategy

Email Marketing – Developing an Email List and Follow-up Strategy

Copyright 2012 – Eric Bobrow
All rights reserved – do not reproduce or distribute

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Eric Bobrow, Creator of the Internet Marketing for Architects Course

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Please post your comments and questions at the bottom of this page. Thanks!

— Eric



The BIG Idea

Repeated contact, when done properly, will increase the likelihood of doing business together

In general marketing, a common figure quoted is “7 times before someone buys”

Builds familiarity, comfort and trust

Makes sure you are “top of mind” – that you’ll be on the short list

Each contact can be different, building a greater understanding of what you do and the value you offer

Establishing authority – that you are an “author” of information and knowledge

Becoming the “expert” – proving your expertise



The concept of balance in a relationship

People tend to want to give back, when they have received something

By giving people useful information, they are more likely to want to hire you

The opposite of “to get my help, you first have to hire me”

Allows people to get a taste of what you offer – the “free sample” idea

Question: How can you do this in a way that doesn’t take up lots of time?


Email Marketing

Three types of emails: personal (one-off), broadcast, and auto responder

Personal emails are the best, but can’t be scaled – hard to do consistently

Broadcasts are easy, once you have a list and a tool (email service such as Mail Chimp)

Auto responders are even easier, they just take planning – and a “one-time effort”


Personal Emails

Always a good idea when you meet someone

(Alternative option – even better – a handwritten note sent by mail)

You can set up email templates – copy, paste and edit – to make this easier

Best done as soon as possible after meeting, even if brief

Important – add the person’s contact info into your email list database!

Optional – schedule a reminder to follow up – use your computer calendar or smartphone


Broadcast Emails

Announce news – a project awarded or completed, an article or blog post, press release

Share something personal – anything of general interest – what you’ve learned or read

Share useful information – doesn’t have to be news – could be a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can be sporadic (whenever you think of something to share) or regular (a newsletter)

Can be simple (plain text) or fancy (an HTML email with pictures)

The important thing is – do it regularly – once a month, or more, or less – but do it!


Auto Responder Emails

An automatic series of emails sent out over a series of days, weeks or months

Easy to set up in Mail Chimp or similar services

Ideal for “getting to know you” – sharing a bit each time about your world

FAQ series or SAQ (Should Ask Questions)

Idea: make these “plain text” – as if you sent them from your email program one by one

Make people feel like they are getting a personal email – “the personal touch”

Use personalization – in the subject line and/or in the greeting – “Hi Dave…”


A Typical Auto Responder Sequence

  1. Immediately after signup / opt-in / manual entry: Thank you and your contact info
  2. Next day: Making sure you got the email yesterday, a bit about your firm
  3. One week later: a frequently asked question – answered; offer another “lead magnet”
  4. Two weeks later: share something about a topic you’re passionate about; point people to your website
  5. 4 weeks later: something important that most people don’t know or understand; offer report
  6. 6 weeks later: “wondering if you have any questions I can help you with”; link to survey
  7. 8 weeks later: another frequently asked question, reminder about your services; offer consultation
  8. 3 months later: a “should ask” question, checking in – “let me know whether you find these emails useful”



Think about these overall questions:

What would you like people to know about you?

What do people need to understand in order to value your work?

Who are you talking to – your best/ideal prospects – and what do they care about?

Why are you the best choice for some of these leads, and how can you help them see that?

How can you include a Call to Action in each email – to encourage response

What would it feel like to receive these emails – would you find them interesting / useful?


Advanced concept for your Auto Responder – the “Soap Opera Sequence”

The concept of building anticipation, leaving them “hanging”

Mention something in one email that you will answer or discuss in the next one

Refer back to previous emails, connecting the sequence

Develop a theme or series that covers a particular topic, two or three emails (or more)

Tell them why this is important to them – why they need to understand this or learn this

Keep each email concise, use multiple emails to build the depth of knowledge

Make it fun, personal, entertaining

Don’t be afraid to be personal


The Mechanics of Broadcast and Auto Responder Emails

Demonstration within Mail Chimp (if time allows in today’s call – else in a separate video)

Optional – segmenting your list based on category (e.g. residential vs. commercial) or interest level (high frequency vs. low)




Where Do We Go from Here?


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